Abrolhos Granite

Kitchen Countertop Ideas  »  Granite Colors

Abrolhos Granite
Abrolhos Granite
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Name: Abrolhos granite

Stone Type: Granite

Suggested Use: Kitchen Countertops

Country of Origin:

Colors: Gray, Black, Beige, White, Pink, and rust-toned Red

Pattern: Veining

Designer Comments: Abrolhos granite is one of the most beautiful stones in the world. With swirls of silver and white contrasting with waves of black and terracotta, this granite is sure to mesmerize everyone who steps foot in your kitchen. Consider pairing it up with modern gray, black, or white cabinets to allow this granite to define the space. This color could go quite well with either a stainless steel, hammered copper, or black granite sink, each of which would bring out the natural silver, copper, or black tones in the granite.

Caveat: Photo and color accuracy is not guaranteed. Because granite is a product of nature, you will never find material that looks exactly like this photo. It may look completely different! Be sure to select your particular slabs in person when buying granite for your kitchen remodeling project.

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